Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quel dommage!!

It really is a shame, I just bombed my first French test of the year.

It doesn't help that I did study, just maybe too much of one thing and not the other? I don't know, but I think a lot of people may have done badly....why would you put vocabulary the class has obviously never seen before on a test and ask for synonyms, antonyms or a word that's in the same family? Don't make sense!

Looks like I can kiss my fantasy of living in France au revoir!!!

Dear mall security guard creeper on the subway,

If I am trying to sleep or am in the middle of (obviously) studying from my text, do not interrupt me to ask if I am in business school. And when I say that I'm not, do not proceed to ask what I'm studying, what year I'm in, where I go to school, or how I'm enjoying it. Nor should you begin to show me your St. George signet ring and reminisce about your old professor who fought in the war, later became a teacher, and after his 10 hour workday, would go home to sew tents for 4 hours, I don't care.

So when I look down at my book again, it means just that, I don't care. And when I stand up to get off the subway, don't keep talking, it means I'm trying not to listen, and I'm trying my best to run away.

Unfortunately you take the same bus as me, but thank god you got the clue when I immediately looked away when seeing you at my stop. Too bad for that teenage girl you sat beside, she'll never be the same.

Oh, and if this is to happen again? (which it won't) I will not hesitate to pull out my Muay Thai on you.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

hungry hippo

Getting nervous is something I do not enjoy, yet do regularly. When I am put into a position that makes me fearful or nervous I start to have trouble breathing. Not in any dangerous way. No need for hospitals, but maybe just a paper bag to breathe into. As my doctor used to say, I'm "hungry for air", incessantly inhaling and still being unable to get the right amount of oxygen into my lungs.

The reason for this "hunger" right now is the nervousness I feel at having to redo/improve my most recent research essay...I'm not the only one in my class to have to do this, everyone does. My prof has a certain knack for making everyone shit their pants with anticipation as to what their marks are, only to find there are no grades, only a lot of grey pencil marks and hard to read cursive writing.

Luckily, when I asked her if there was anything specific that was horrible she said no, that it was "fine" but I need to answer the question. So here I am, some Earl Grey tea, baroque music, and attempting to not gobble up all the air around me.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


It's the end of the day, I'm exhausted and have nothing really to post. I spent some time (too much time) at work today rearranging some flowers. From giant cube-like vases full of dying flowers to simple white porcelain bowls and tall latte glasses.

If I remember, I'll try and post some photos tomorrow. Until then, I'll also try and figure out what I'd like to write about.

Bon soir.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Back, but for how long?

So, I've decided to return to the blogosphere, for how long I'm not really sure. Lack of inspiration, ideas, thoughts etc tend to get the best of me. Plus, I get super lazy and would rather lurk other people's sites.

What I will promise, is to TRY to keep this thing up and running. With what? Not sure, again. I don't really know if I could/should have a 'theme' to this thing since I can't really decide. So I think I'll just make it an everything blog for me to write out whatever I need to get out.

A lot has changed since the last post I did, over a year ago (!):
-I am in school again, part-time, for now
-I am back in Canada (although I miss Europe a bunch)
-and I have a very different job compared to last year's au pair thing I did

that's all for today...hopefully I'll be back tomorrow.

Friday, February 13, 2009

New Obsession

Having the job I currently have, it only gives me spurts of 'alone time' throughout the day. During these random hours I like to relax and peruse the internet for new sites, magazines, blogs etc.

I mentioned a few days ago, Le Love Image blog, and if you've been on it you would have noticed the great photograph in the header. It was taken by Todd Selby who has his own website and displays not only the photographs he's taken of chefs, authors, designers, actors, musicians, and much more, but also includes mini interviews and paintings (mostly of the people he interviewed).

His photos are intensely coloured very casual. Bringing you into these strangers' homes you get to see them in their own space. Are they messy, what kind of design aesthetic do they have, is it cluttered or decorated minimally? I didn't recognize many of the people he has on the site but enjoyed his photographs regardless.

That's Erin Wasson (model), she has a collection of those masks

Sarah Miss Colette (France)

Sofia (stylist) & Thibault (author) (France)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Embrace the milkiness

So I've always been pretty fair skinned...I tan well, because of my olive complexion, but come winter time I always transform into a milky-white paleness. When I was younger, being tanned was 'the' thing to be and resorting to radiation was not my idea of fun (I will admit I did it once, and only once...and it all went terribly wrong!) nor did I find it appetizing to be sprayed with a hose where water would not come out but some kind of a paste that not only made you look orange but would wipe off too!

As the years have gone by I've definitely embraced my fair skin, and although its not as fair as others, its still on the milky side. Mind you, I cannot wait for beach weather, but this year I'm planning ahead with cute umbrellas, sunglasses, hats and putting on some strong SPF! I do not want to have skin that looks like cracked leather when I'm older.

Mary-Kate Olsen is in the newest issue of Interview magazine and although I haven't read the entire article, I have read a smidgen...and obviously enjoyed it. Plus, the photos above, pretty amazing. Photographed by Craig McDean, styled by Karl Templer and makeup by Yuna Park/Streeters. Plus, the top photo, dress: Balenciaga...pretty insane! Love her!