Friday, February 13, 2009

New Obsession

Having the job I currently have, it only gives me spurts of 'alone time' throughout the day. During these random hours I like to relax and peruse the internet for new sites, magazines, blogs etc.

I mentioned a few days ago, Le Love Image blog, and if you've been on it you would have noticed the great photograph in the header. It was taken by Todd Selby who has his own website and displays not only the photographs he's taken of chefs, authors, designers, actors, musicians, and much more, but also includes mini interviews and paintings (mostly of the people he interviewed).

His photos are intensely coloured very casual. Bringing you into these strangers' homes you get to see them in their own space. Are they messy, what kind of design aesthetic do they have, is it cluttered or decorated minimally? I didn't recognize many of the people he has on the site but enjoyed his photographs regardless.

That's Erin Wasson (model), she has a collection of those masks

Sarah Miss Colette (France)

Sofia (stylist) & Thibault (author) (France)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Embrace the milkiness

So I've always been pretty fair skinned...I tan well, because of my olive complexion, but come winter time I always transform into a milky-white paleness. When I was younger, being tanned was 'the' thing to be and resorting to radiation was not my idea of fun (I will admit I did it once, and only once...and it all went terribly wrong!) nor did I find it appetizing to be sprayed with a hose where water would not come out but some kind of a paste that not only made you look orange but would wipe off too!

As the years have gone by I've definitely embraced my fair skin, and although its not as fair as others, its still on the milky side. Mind you, I cannot wait for beach weather, but this year I'm planning ahead with cute umbrellas, sunglasses, hats and putting on some strong SPF! I do not want to have skin that looks like cracked leather when I'm older.

Mary-Kate Olsen is in the newest issue of Interview magazine and although I haven't read the entire article, I have read a smidgen...and obviously enjoyed it. Plus, the photos above, pretty amazing. Photographed by Craig McDean, styled by Karl Templer and makeup by Yuna Park/Streeters. Plus, the top photo, dress: Balenciaga...pretty insane! Love her!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am in need!

I find myself in dire need of inspiration lately. Be it for dressing myself in the morning or doing my hair, to even just getting crafty. I have no problem looking it up on the web, I seem to find that extremely easy, but then when it comes to actually the physical action of doing it, I just can't!

Maybe it's that I always want something I can't have/want to DO something that I can't...for example, I'm dying to decorate a new apartment...also known as, I want to have my own apartment again and be able to decorate it the way I see fit. And that's just one example, I'm also dying to cook and bake stuff, but being where I am I don't have all the necessary supplies or even ingredients...and it's not that I'm being cheap, but this place is way too expensive and I don't plan on spending money I don't have in order to do it! May be I should just accumulate ideas for when I will be able to do it?

Record the Day is pretty fantastic.
With a mishmash of fashion and interior design to toys, food and even horoscopes, the author puts the images into a collage and then photographs them. As she says, this way its easier to keep her daily inspirations organized in one place where they're easy to find and have a date and everything.

Some of my favourites from a while back:

I really want to make this soup

Not only are the headpieces great but the wispy hair underneath and the makeup!
*Check out the top on the bottom row, 2nd from the right, the whole look has me in awe.

A collage of a collage

That kitchen is the epitome of 'organized chaos' and the teacups on the right??
I heart!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i know this hiatus has been extremely unnecessary since when I first started this blog I was beyond excited. I am determined to keep it up from now on...gotta get outta my rut, and stop being such a lazy ass...luckily I have found some amazing other blogs that I have become addicted to and would like to add to my side panel....too many to name off right now because, surprise, surprise, I'm feeling lazy but I will name a few:

Le Love Image

Olsens Anonymous
Led Smoking Image
Le Fashion

They are all done by one person I think...and are all fantastic, mostly of images.

More tomorrow, I promise....and definitely more substantial.