Friday, February 13, 2009

New Obsession

Having the job I currently have, it only gives me spurts of 'alone time' throughout the day. During these random hours I like to relax and peruse the internet for new sites, magazines, blogs etc.

I mentioned a few days ago, Le Love Image blog, and if you've been on it you would have noticed the great photograph in the header. It was taken by Todd Selby who has his own website and displays not only the photographs he's taken of chefs, authors, designers, actors, musicians, and much more, but also includes mini interviews and paintings (mostly of the people he interviewed).

His photos are intensely coloured very casual. Bringing you into these strangers' homes you get to see them in their own space. Are they messy, what kind of design aesthetic do they have, is it cluttered or decorated minimally? I didn't recognize many of the people he has on the site but enjoyed his photographs regardless.

That's Erin Wasson (model), she has a collection of those masks

Sarah Miss Colette (France)

Sofia (stylist) & Thibault (author) (France)

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