Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am in need!

I find myself in dire need of inspiration lately. Be it for dressing myself in the morning or doing my hair, to even just getting crafty. I have no problem looking it up on the web, I seem to find that extremely easy, but then when it comes to actually the physical action of doing it, I just can't!

Maybe it's that I always want something I can't have/want to DO something that I can't...for example, I'm dying to decorate a new apartment...also known as, I want to have my own apartment again and be able to decorate it the way I see fit. And that's just one example, I'm also dying to cook and bake stuff, but being where I am I don't have all the necessary supplies or even ingredients...and it's not that I'm being cheap, but this place is way too expensive and I don't plan on spending money I don't have in order to do it! May be I should just accumulate ideas for when I will be able to do it?

Record the Day is pretty fantastic.
With a mishmash of fashion and interior design to toys, food and even horoscopes, the author puts the images into a collage and then photographs them. As she says, this way its easier to keep her daily inspirations organized in one place where they're easy to find and have a date and everything.

Some of my favourites from a while back:

I really want to make this soup

Not only are the headpieces great but the wispy hair underneath and the makeup!
*Check out the top on the bottom row, 2nd from the right, the whole look has me in awe.

A collage of a collage

That kitchen is the epitome of 'organized chaos' and the teacups on the right??
I heart!

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