Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Qué, quoi, what, huh??

This day has been somewhat of a let, I take that back, it sucked!
For some reason my mind will not stop, since last night I have been tossing and turning, physically and mentally. I woke up this morning from a super weird dream, went over it in my head, and the rest is history, from there I started to remember things that I had put out of my mind for the time being and began to stress.
Mind you, this is nothing new at all. I am very used to the over-active, over-analytical imagination of mine that likes to turn things over and over like an old El Salvadorian woman making pupusas...or if that doesn't make sense, which for some of you it probably won't....think of a step ladder, not a fireman's ladder, very long, lots of steps.
My imagination can sometimes get the better of me and become child-like...then crazy...then pathetic even...what's with that? Is it because I'm a chick? or because I'm in my 20s? or just because that's the way I am?
Sometimes I'm good at getting out of my head and pushing it far, far away...but today not so successful. I've just been a major crustball, luckily, my mood lightened up a little when some funny school kids wouldn't stop waving at me while I was on the eliptical at the gym...I mean, I could have found it annoying, but for some reason I didn't, first they seemed to be making fun of me and didn't notice that I had seen them, so I waved. Since they saw I didn't get peeved they waved back and kept waving, even when they left. Now, my mood hasn't improved 100% but I can say that it's around 43% better...which to me is a considerable improvment since I was swearing (in my head) at randoms on the street or on the bus! (A woman pushed me when I had the right of way)

Sometimes when I'm angry or sad and need to laugh I watch this's not for everyone and it doesn't really make any sense at all, but whatever!

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