Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rapuncium and Shelley Duvall…

Rampion: ORIGIN late 16th century: from a variant of Medieval Latin rapuncium: compare with German Rapunzel ‘corn salad’ (courtesy of my lovely toolbar dictionary/thesaurus)

Anyways, they’re also known as radishes…but what does that have to do with Shelley Duvall? Everything! I’ve been thinking about these movies lately that my mom used to get for me from the library, Faerie Tale Theatre, film adaptations of the Brother’s Grimm Faerie Tales…and always featuring Shelley Duvall.

Without a doubt she had quite an influence on me as a kid...even more so when I watched the Rapunzel one, but please do not forget the 1980 version of the Popeye film she did with Robin Williams either, the spitting image of what you would imagine Olive Oyl to look like in real life.

Moving on, hopefully you know the story of Rapunzel, and I won’t give anything away, but at one point before Rapunzel is born, her mother (played by Ms Duvall) has a craving for radishes…I went so far as to beg my mother to buy me radishes so that I could eat them like her!! Needless to say they stayed in the fridge a long time and I got in trouble. But they were way too spicy for me!

So anyway, she kicks ass in this one, and in all the other episodes of FFT (because it was originally made for Showtime). Jeff Bridges co-stars in Rapunzel as the father and young prince, but he isn’t the only well-known celebrity to make an appearance on FFT, Liza Minnelli, Susan Sarandon, the late Christopher Reeve, Jeff Goldblum Billy Crystal, Matthew Broderick, Gregory Hines, Robin Williams, and Mick Jagger have also joined in the cast. Production lasted about 5 years on the Faerie Tale Theatre, from 1982 to 1987, and was directed by not only Tim Burton (obviously) but also Francis Ford Coppola.

...and the lived happily ever after.

Youtube is great because even though the movie has to be cut into 3 parts, you can still pretty much watch the whole movie…but I found it on Amazon…so guess what’ll be at the top of my birthday wish list this year?

(Unfortunately, the person who posted it requested to not allow anyone to embed it...)

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